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Project Partnerships

The ACCESS, DEED and ACCESS 2.0 projects are made up of organisations from across Europe

ProEduca z.s.

Czech Republic


ProEduca z.s. is a private association of professional teachers specialized at innovation in education and in providing supporting services, (mainly trainings for education staff and youth) to schools and non-profit organizations in education.

ProEduca has worked in more than 25 different projects aimed at improvement of the educational system during the last 12 years. These projects were aimed at development and dissemination of innovative teaching approaches, curricula modification and development of new training programs for specific target groups (senior learners, unemployed people, VET teachers and trainers, employers, young people etc.). The main topics ProEduca has tackled during the last years are related to:

  • digitalisation of education delivery
  • professional development of teachers and trainers, especially in the VET
  • design of training activities and training materials for teachers, particularly in VET
  • ICT training development for all education levels;
  • environment and climate change
  • sustainable consumption and production, especially circular economy
  • training and education of the EU society, entrepreneurs and especially VET teachers in the topics related to the ageing population
ADM organisation logo

Archivio della Memoria



Archivio della Memoria is a cultural association founded in May 2002 and based in Rome, Italy. It is specialized in carrying out social, historical, anthropological and market research and in creating highly innovative multimedia supports on behalf of universities, public bodies and private organizations.

AdM also carries out Digital Storytelling activities in the context of anthropological, sociological, historical and environmental research for the documentation, recovery and enhancement of cultures, traditions, local knowledge and realities at greater risk of marginalization, developing research that tells, through the words of the interviewees themselves, the story of the individual and the community at the center of the historical-environmental context in which they live.

Many research and communication projects such as campaigns dedicated to the school and university context have been developed over the years in close collaboration with public and private organisations, academic and institutional bodies such as the Lazio Region and the Municipality of Rome.

In 2006 Archivio della Memoria started a close collaboration with the University of Tor Vergata for the planning and realisation of, the dedicated Web TV channel of the University. has produced more than a thousand of videos, training through a series of internships on communication and journalism, more than 50 students selected from the six faculties of the University.

Danmar Computers organisation logo

Danmar Computers



Danmar Computers LLC is a private company operating in the field of Information Technology and providing vocational training in this field. Danmar has extensive experience in developing modern Web and mobile applications that are used for educational purposes. Danmar also has long-term experience of carrying out European projects within which the company’s R&D staff conducts research and prepares training tailored to the needs of various learners. During 22 years, Danmar has successfully implemented over 100 projects within Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Progress and Erasmus+. In many of these projects, Danmar was responsible for designing and coordinating dissemination strategies.

Danmar Computers is the developer and provider of AdminProject, the online system for the management of European projects. All activities of the company are based on wide and well-established cooperation network, both on national and international levels. The national networks include training and counselling institutions, universities, schools, non-governmental organizations as well as private sector companies. International networks include partners of various profiles coming from every European Union’s country. Danmar Computer’s mission is the promotion of life-long education and assurance of equal access to education for everyone with the use of modern technology.

LernBar organisation logo

LernBar Europa c.V.



The association Lernbar Europa e.V. was established at the end of November 2021.

Our non-profit association is dedicated to promoting a common European understanding.  Our motto is to learn and teach Europe in an attractive and relaxed way.

We strongly believe that education and culture are the best ways of building, promoting, and enhancing a European identity and its values.

The members are convinced that in many areas of education and culture a common European approach to the challenges of our time is indispensable.

Our aim is to develop and provide possibilities not only for our members but also for citizens interested in European cultural and educational issues to transnationally work together, to learn from each other, with each other, about each other, to meet and exchange ideas.

SBTC organisation logo

Solution Based Training & Consultancy



Solution Based Training & Consultancy (SBTC) has developed a range of consulting services ranging from an independent well control advisor to providing advice on managing change in the workplace for both employers’ and employee’s needs. SBTC offers solutions for the specific problems of its target groups by developing tailored solutions for several areas for entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship.

The main aspects of these consulting services encompass every part of the business spectrum including works in supporting and promoting the vocational education and lifelong learning; organizing international cooperation with similar organizations; developing and promoting solutions in public; stimulating the creative works through recognition and other forms of motivation and cultural heritage. SBTC provides direct consultancy work with clients, provide in house and public training courses and offer “change” consultancy with local authorities and organizations.

Besides, in its region as a consulting company SBTC promotes and protects the well-being and existence of our world heritage, culture and diversity. By providing sustainable and long term solutions for both intangible and tangible heritage projects, the shareholders and stakeholders of SBTC receive real results encompassing the authenticity and integrity of their heritage projects, too.

European Learning Centre



European Learning Centre belongs to a network of four training centres in the rural area of the Cadiz Mountains in Southern Spain and a management office in Madrid, Spain. Our chief areas of training are in language learning, ICT, and professional training. Our region could be generally described as industrial (leather manufacturing, agriculture, mainly), geographically isolated, and with one of the highest levels of unemployment in Spain.

Our institutions work primarily with youngsters, underrepresented groups such as immigrants and refugees but also with adults in the local and regional community interested in furthering their education in a non-formal context. Public funding is received to subsidise the accreditation and certification of the training received.

Being part of this previously mentioned network of private and public partnerships, which has allowed us to carry out multiple initiatives regarding environmental education, integration of underrepresented groups and the specific training in digital skills, languages and social inclusion.

For the last 10 years, ELC has been closely collaborating in the areas of adult education with CEPER-7V which is the permanent network of adult education centres in our region. Another important collaboration presently exists between ELC and a consortium of local authorities (Town Hall)- the Youth Information Office and the major Association of SMEs in our area. The main aim of this recently-created consortium is to improve the success in helping unemployed youth find a job and better spread the information available for youth and adults in our area.